Small example cube containing the mammal occurrences in Denmark available on GBIF as of 16.03.2024.
A 'processed_cube' object containing a tibble with 276,950 rows and 10 variables, as well as metadata
- year
year occurrence was recorded
- eea_cell_code
code containing the cell resolution and coordinates on the EEA grid
- taxonKey
taxonomic key associated with the species on GBIF
- obs
number of individuals observed
- scientificName
scientific species name
- rank
taxonomic rank
- kingdom
- xcoord
East-West coordinate on the EEA grid
- ycoord
North-South coordinate on the EEA grid
- resolution
grid cell size
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Basic example of how to use the dataset
denmark_mammals_or_map <- obs_richness_map(example_cube_1,
level = "country",
region = "Denmark")
title = "Mammals in Denmark (1751-2023): Observed Species Richness")
} # }