Compute site impact indicator
impact_data = NULL,
col_category = NULL,
col_species = NULL,
col_mechanism = NULL,
trans = 1,
type = NULL
- cube
The data cube of class
- impact_data
The dataframe of species impact which contains columns of category, species and mechanism.
- col_category
The name of the column containing the impact categories. The first two letters each categories must be an EICAT short names (e.g "MC - Minimal concern")
- col_species
The name of the column containing species names
- col_mechanism
The name of the column containing mechanisms of impact
- trans
Numeric. The type of transformation to convert the EICAT categories to numerical values. 1 converts ("MC", "MN", "MO", "MR", "MV") to (0,1,2,3,4) 2 converts ("MC", "MN", "MO", "MR", "MV") to (1,2,3,4,5) and 3 converts ("MC", "MN", "MO", "MR", "MV") to (1,10,100,1000,10000)
- type
The type indicators based on the aggregation of within and across species in a site. The type can be precautionary, precautionary cumulative, mean, mean cumulative or cumulative.
# define cube for taxa
acacia_cube <- taxa_cube(
taxa = taxa_Acacia,
region = southAfrica_sf,
res = 0.25,
first_year = 2010
siteImpact <- site_impact(
cube = acacia_cube,
impact_data = eicat_acacia,
col_category = "impact_category",
col_species = "scientific_name",
col_mechanism = "impact_mechanism",
trans = 1,
type = "precautionary cumulative"