Aggregate species impact categories from impact data.
col_category = NULL,
col_species = NULL,
col_mechanism = NULL,
trans = 1
- impact_data
The dataframe of species impact which contains columns of category, species and mechanism.
- species_list
The vector of species' list to aggregate their impact categories
- col_category
The name of the column containing the impact categories. The first two letters each categories must be an EICAT short names (e.g "MC -Minimal concern")
- col_species
The name of the column containing species names
- col_mechanism
The name of the column containing mechanisms of impact
- trans
Numeric. The type of transformation to convert the EICAT categories to numerical values. 1 converts ("MC", "MN", "MO", "MR", "MV") to (0,1,2,3,4) 2 converts ("MC", "MN", "MO", "MR", "MV") to (1,2,3,4,5) and 3 converts ("MC", "MN", "MO", "MR", "MV") to (1,10,100,1000,10000)
The dataframe containing the aggregated species impact. max - maximum impact of a species. mean - mean impact of a species. max_mech - sum of maximum impact per categories of a species
# define species list
species_list <- c(
"Acacia adunca",
"Acacia baileyana",
"Acacia binervata",
"Acacia crassiuscula",
"Acacia cultriformis",
"Acacia cyclops",
"Acacia dealbata",
"Acacia decurrens",
"Acacia elata"
agg_impact <- impact_cat(
impact_data = eicat_acacia,
species_list = species_list,
col_category = "impact_category",
col_species = "scientific_name",
col_mechanism = "impact_mechanism",
trans = 1