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This function adds a column to the input dataframe or sf object containing the coordinate uncertainty for each observation, measured in meters.


add_coordinate_uncertainty(observations, coords_uncertainty_meters = 25)



An sf object with POINT geometry or a simple dataframe representing the observations. This object contains the observation points to which the coordinate uncertainty will be added.


A numeric value or a vector of numeric values representing the coordinate uncertainty (in meters) associated with each observation. If a single numeric value is provided, it will be applied to all observations. If a numeric vector is provided, it must be the same length as the number of observations.


The input data frame or an sf object with POINT geometry, with an additional column named coordinateUncertaintyInMeters that contains the coordinate uncertainty values in meters.


# Create dataframe with sampling status column
observations_data <- data.frame(
    time_point = 1,
    sampling_prob = seq(0.5, 1, 0.1)

# provide a fixed uncertainty for all points
  coords_uncertainty_meters = 1000
#>   time_point sampling_prob coordinateUncertaintyInMeters
#> 1          1           0.5                          1000
#> 2          1           0.6                          1000
#> 3          1           0.7                          1000
#> 4          1           0.8                          1000
#> 5          1           0.9                          1000
#> 6          1           1.0                          1000

# add variability in uncertainty. For example, using gamma distribution
uncertainty_vec <- seq(50, 100, 10)

  coords_uncertainty_meters = uncertainty_vec
#>   time_point sampling_prob coordinateUncertaintyInMeters
#> 1          1           0.5                            50
#> 2          1           0.6                            60
#> 3          1           0.7                            70
#> 4          1           0.8                            80
#> 5          1           0.9                            90
#> 6          1           1.0                           100