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This function generate samples bootstrap replicates of a statistic applied to a data cube. It resamples the data cube and computes a statistic fun for each bootstrap replicate, optionally comparing the results to a reference group (ref_group).


  samples = 1000,
  ref_group = NA,
  seed = NA,
  progress = FALSE



A data cube object (class 'processed_cube' or 'sim_cube', see b3gbi::process_cube()) or a dataframe (from $data slot of 'processed_cube' or 'sim_cube'). To limit runtime, we recommend using a dataframe with custom function as fun.


A function which, when applied to data_cube returns the statistic(s) of interest. This function must return a dataframe with a column diversity_val containing the statistic of interest.


Additional arguments passed on to fun.


A string specifying the grouping variable(s) for the bootstrap analysis. The output of fun(data_cube) returns a row per group.


The number of bootstrap replicates. A single positive integer. Default is 1000.


A string indicating the reference group to compare the statistic with. Default is NA, meaning no reference group is used.


A positive numeric value setting the seed for random number generation to ensure reproducibility. If NA (default), then set.seed() is not called at all. If not NA, then the random number generator state is reset (to the state before calling this function) upon exiting this function.


Logical. Whether to show a progress bar. Set to TRUE to display a progress bar, FALSE (default) to suppress it.


A dataframe containing the bootstrap results with the following columns:

  • sample: Sample ID of the bootstrap replicate

  • est_original: The statistic based on the full dataset per group

  • rep_boot: The statistic based on a bootstrapped dataset (bootstrap replicate)

  • est_boot: The bootstrap estimate (mean of bootstrap replicates per group)

  • se_boot: The standard error of the bootstrap estimate (standard deviation of the bootstrap replicates per group)

  • bias_boot: The bias of the bootstrap estimate per group


Bootstrapping is a statistical technique used to estimate the distribution of a statistic by resampling with replacement from the original data (Davison & Hinkley, 1997; Efron & Tibshirani, 1994). In the case of data cubes, each row is sampled with replacement. Below are the common notations used in bootstrapping:

  1. Original Sample Data: \(\mathbf{X} = \{X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_n\}\)

    • The initial set of observed data points. Here, \(n\) is the sample size. This corresponds to the number of cells in a data cube or the number of rows in tabular format.

  2. Statistic of Interest: \(\theta\)

    • The parameter or statistic being estimated, such as the mean \(\bar{X}\), variance \(\sigma^2\), or a biodiversity indicator. Let \(\hat{\theta}\) denote the estimated value of \(\theta\) calculated from the complete dataset \(\mathbf{X}\).

  3. Bootstrap Sample: \(\mathbf{X}^* = \{X_1^*, X_2^*, \ldots, X_n^*\}\)

    • A sample of size \(n\) drawn with replacement from the original sample \(\mathbf{X}\). Each \(X_i^*\) is drawn independently from \(\mathbf{X}\).

    • A total of \(B\) bootstrap samples are drawn from the original data. Common choices for \(B\) are 1000 or 10,000 to ensure a good approximation of the distribution of the bootstrap replications (see further).

  4. Bootstrap Replication: \(\hat{\theta}^*_b\)

    • The value of the statistic of interest calculated from the \(b\)-th bootstrap sample \(\mathbf{X}^*_b\). For example, if \(\theta\) is the sample mean, \(\hat{\theta}^*_b = \bar{X}^*_b\).

  5. Bootstrap Statistics:

  • Bootstrap Estimate of the Statistic: \(\hat{\theta}_{\text{boot}}\)

    • The average of the bootstrap replications:

$$\hat{\theta}_{\text{boot}} = \frac{1}{B} \sum_{b=1}^B \hat{\theta}^*_b$$

  • Bootstrap Bias: \(\text{Bias}_{\text{boot}}\)

    • This bias indicates how much the bootstrap estimate deviates from the original sample estimate. It is calculated as the difference between the average bootstrap estimate and the original estimate:

$$\text{Bias}_{\text{boot}} = \frac{1}{B} \sum_{b=1}^B (\hat{\theta}^*_b - \hat{\theta}) = \hat{\theta}_{\text{boot}} - \hat{\theta}$$

  • Bootstrap Standard Error: \(\text{SE}_{\text{boot}}\)

    • The standard deviation of the bootstrap replications, which estimates the variability of the statistic.


Davison, A. C., & Hinkley, D. V. (1997). Bootstrap Methods and their Application (1st ed.). Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511802843

Efron, B., & Tibshirani, R. J. (1994). An Introduction to the Bootstrap (1st ed.). Chapman and Hall/CRC. doi:10.1201/9780429246593

See also


# Get example data
# install.packages("remotes")
# remotes::install_github("b-cubed-eu/b3gbi")
cube_path <- system.file(
  "extdata", "denmark_mammals_cube_eqdgc.csv",
  package = "b3gbi")
denmark_cube <- process_cube(
  first_year = 2014,
  last_year = 2020)

# Function to calculate statistic of interest
# Mean observations per year
mean_obs <- function(data) {
  out_df <- aggregate(obs ~ year, data, mean) # Calculate mean obs per year
  names(out_df) <- c("year", "diversity_val") # Rename columns
#>   year diversity_val
#> 1 2014     11.553740
#> 2 2015     11.532206
#> 3 2016      5.532491
#> 4 2017      5.703888
#> 5 2018      5.598413
#> 6 2019      4.802676
#> 7 2020      4.972163

# Perform bootstrapping
# \donttest{
bootstrap_mean_obs <- bootstrap_cube(
  data_cube = denmark_cube$data,
  fun = mean_obs,
  grouping_var = "year",
  samples = 1000,
  seed = 123,
  progress = FALSE)
#>   sample year est_original rep_boot est_boot  se_boot     bias_boot
#> 1      1 2014     11.55374 11.08362 11.55352 1.484546 -0.0002192649
#> 2      2 2014     11.55374 12.50984 11.55352 1.484546 -0.0002192649
#> 3      3 2014     11.55374 11.00085 11.55352 1.484546 -0.0002192649
#> 4      4 2014     11.55374 11.62364 11.55352 1.484546 -0.0002192649
#> 5      5 2014     11.55374 13.37887 11.55352 1.484546 -0.0002192649
#> 6      6 2014     11.55374 11.70199 11.55352 1.484546 -0.0002192649
# }