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This function adds classified effects to a dataframe as ordered factor variables by comparing the confidence intervals with a reference and thresholds.


  reference = 0,
  coarse = TRUE



A dataframe containing summary data of confidence limits. Two columns are required containing lower and upper limits indicated by the cl_columns argument. Any other columns are optional.


A vector of 2 column names in df indicating respectively the lower and upper confidence limits (e.g. c("lcl", "ucl")).


A vector of either 1 or 2 thresholds. A single threshold will be transformed into reference + c(-abs(threshold), abs(threshold)).


The null hypothesis value to compare confidence intervals against. Defaults to 0.


Logical, defaults to TRUE. If TRUE, add a coarse classification to the dataframe.


The returned value is a modified version of the original input dataframe df with additional columns effect_code and effect containing respectively the effect symbols and descriptions as ordered factor variables. In case of coarse = TRUE (by default) also effect_code_coarse and effect_coarse containing the coarse classification effects.


This function is a wrapper around effectclass::classify() and effectclass::coarse_classification() from the effectclass package (Onkelinx, 2023). They classify effects in a stable and transparent manner.

SymbolFine effect / trendCoarse effect / trendRule
++strong positive effect / strong increasepositive effect / increaseconfidence interval above the upper threshold
+positive effect / increasepositive effect / increaseconfidence interval above reference and contains the upper threshold
+~moderate positive effect / moderate increasepositive effect / increaseconfidence interval between reference and the upper threshold
~no effect / stableno effect / stableconfidence interval between thresholds and contains reference
-~moderate negative effect / moderate decreasenegative effect / decreaseconfidence interval between reference and the lower threshold
-negative effect / decreasenegative effect / decreaseconfidence interval below reference and contains the lower threshold
--strong negative effect / strong decreasenegative effect / decreaseconfidence interval below the lower threshold
?+potential positive effect / potential increaseunknown effect / unknownconfidence interval contains reference and the upper threshold
?-potential negative effect / potential decreaseunknown effect / unknownconfidence interval contains reference and the lower threshold
?unknown effect / unknownunknown effect / unknownconfidence interval contains the lower and upper threshold


Onkelinx, T. (2023). effectclass: Classification and visualisation of effects [Computer software].

See also

Other uncertainty: bootstrap_cube(), calculate_bootstrap_ci()


# Example dataset
ds <- data.frame(
  mean = c(0, 0.5, -0.5, 1, -1, 1.5, -1.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0),
  sd = c(1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5)
ds$lcl <- qnorm(0.05, ds$mean, ds$sd)
ds$ucl <- qnorm(0.95, ds$mean, ds$sd)

 df = ds,
 cl_columns = c("lcl", "ucl"),
 threshold = 1,
 reference = 0,
 coarse = TRUE)
#>    mean   sd         lcl         ucl effect_code effect_code_coarse
#> 1   0.0 1.00 -1.64485363  1.64485363           ?                  ?
#> 2   0.5 0.50 -0.32242681  1.32242681          ?+                  ?
#> 3  -0.5 0.50 -1.32242681  0.32242681          ?-                  ?
#> 4   1.0 0.50  0.17757319  1.82242681           +                  +
#> 5  -1.0 0.50 -1.82242681 -0.17757319           -                  -
#> 6   1.5 0.25  1.08878659  1.91121341          ++                  +
#> 7  -1.5 0.25 -1.91121341 -1.08878659          --                  -
#> 8   0.5 0.25  0.08878659  0.91121341          +~                  +
#> 9  -0.5 0.25 -0.91121341 -0.08878659          -~                  -
#> 10  0.0 0.50 -0.82242681  0.82242681           ~                  ~
#>                effect effect_coarse
#> 1             unknown       unknown
#> 2  potential increase       unknown
#> 3  potential decrease       unknown
#> 4            increase      increase
#> 5            decrease      decrease
#> 6     strong increase      increase
#> 7     strong decrease      decrease
#> 8   moderate increase      increase
#> 9   moderate decrease      decrease
#> 10             stable        stable